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巴里(帕特里克·威尔森PatrickWilson饰)是朋友圈里出了名的花花公子,他整日里无所事事游手好闲,并且对自己糜烂的现状感到十分满意,丝毫没有任何的悔改之意和进取之心。然而,让巴里没有想到的是,自己竟然在一场意外之中失去了他的睾丸,这也就意味着,他将彻底告别灯红酒绿的花花公子式生活,亦再也不可能做一名父亲了。  尚未从蛋碎的阴影下完全走出,巴里又陷入了另一个麻烦之中。一位名叫金吉尔(朱迪·格雷尔JudyGreer饰)的女士对他提起了诉讼,只因为她的腹中怀上了巴里的孩子。可是别说孩子了,巴里甚至对金吉尔没有任何印象,这个敏感而又神经质的女人绝对不是他会喜欢的类型。   People are miserable when they do not know what is the direction. First Poor Barry is just on his way to desire, to find someone who can play with. After the crazy accident he became awful loser, had a more miserable life.   This changed who he found out he is going to be father.   By the way, the Ginger is also a loser who had no attention from family and made herself ugly bitch which hurts her much and want to be desirable with ONS.   Thank you god, this accident let two life losers shared life with each other. Take the responsibity of life, to have a new life, to make new life happy and desirable.   It is about human feelings, it is about have direction to a meanful life.   If you know you need to or you can totally open up to a person, you will be loved back ,every would like to do it. No matter how hard at the first beginning.   when the fighted Barry rang the bell of G's house at 2 o'clock in the morning, slight changes between their lifes and them.   I need you to set me free.   Someone's burde can be other's happiness.   Expectation is nothing but planned resentment.    I smiled, cried and enjoyed.    Hope you too.   


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