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我们是谁?从哪里来?又将归往何处?这些问题和我们的生存息息相关,但却很少有人能够给出准确的答案。历时14个月,穿越24个国家,导演罗恩·弗里克(RonFricke)用镜头向我们展示了大自然能够拥有的最壮阔最绚丽的景致——从远古到现在,从猿猴到人类,从荒无人烟的沙漠到震撼人心的宗教活动现场,从广袤天地带来的感动到婴孩单纯的笑脸给予的幸福,我们会发现,很多时候,我们并不能意识到,这美好的一切正时时刻刻的发生在我们身边。  全片没有台词,片名Baraka在古伊斯兰语中代表祝福,这也是导演拍摄此片的初衷,祝福与我们共同存在在这颗蔚蓝地球上的一切。A Wordless Revelation on Our World
Baraka or berakhah means the spiritual wisdom and blessing transmitted from God in Arabic Islam world, a blessing usually recited during a ceremony in Judaism or "breath of life" in a Sufi context.
As the documentary begins, a lone snow monkey sits in the middle of a hot spring. When it looks up at the stars, then closes its eyes, shutting itself off from the surroundings, I sense my own inner longing for the infinite, start to meditate and ponder the world.
Using speeded-up images of hectic big city life with its homelessness and deprivation, interspersed with mountain vistas and forests, Ron Fricke leads us through the edge of a burning volcano in Hawaii, the Holy Church in Jerusalem, Ryo An Ji in Kyoto, Lake Natron in Tanzania, and the fire plains of Kuwait after the Gulf War.
A visual Odyssey, a wordless revelation on our world is this work!

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