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剧情简介: 1980年代中期,美国处于里根保守政权之下,正经历一场艾滋病灾难。 《美国天使》讲述了一群纽约人在生与死、爱与性、天堂与地狱之间徘徊,在这样的社会背景下挣扎求生、奋斗的故事。托尼。托尼·库什纳 (Tony Kushner) 的《美国天使》是近几十年来最重要的戏剧之一。该剧分为两部分,总时长七个多小时。它于 1992 年至 1993 年间在伦敦国家剧院首演,并获得了包括普利策戏剧奖在内的许多奖项。该剧有趣而感人,深刻而深刻,以富有想象力的方式探索了爱情、痛苦、疾病、死亡、信仰、政治等主题。即使在 25 年后的今天,它仍能激发人们深入思考。醒来。此次复兴的演员阵容红火,好莱坞一线演员、英剧界一线演员纷纷亮相。饰演主角普赖尔的安德鲁·加菲尔德曾获得奥斯卡最佳男主角提名,其代表作品包括电影《蜘蛛侠:超凡蜘蛛侠》和《钢锯岭》(Hacksaw Ridge)。其他主要演员包括 BBC 系列 Paula 中的 Denise Gough 和《星球大战:原力觉醒》中的 James McArdl

I saw #angelsinamerica today, but only this #millennium part, and only one part of this show is needed to impress me. The story is labyrinthine and melancholy, with the heroine and the heroes busily traveling among the story lines and finally collide, creating a theatrical conundrum, which gives the audiences a deep thought of the superficiality of modern society: what is love? What is life? What is religion? What is after life? What is death? What is equality? Good stories are always about asking questions than solving them. And THIS is a good story. Apart from that, #andrewgarfield really amazes me. His eyelid seems slouch yet vividly sparkling with tears the very next second. His actions inflated with energy just like #isabelleadjani on the screen. And the co-star in the play, #jamesmcardle, brilliantly portrayed a sensitively controversial lover of #prior. #russelltovey #nathanlane and #denisegough, all dedicated their first-rank performance in this show. I think this play rekindled my passion in stage play and musical once again after #manandsuperman starring by #ralphfiennes and #indiravarma. I wish I could find the 2nd part of this play but my hands are tied. It's a pity that #nationaltheatre's show are not for sale on the open market. How much I wish they were!


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