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导演:P. David Ebersole,Todd Hughes


他因坚持“时尚大众化”而激怒了整个巴黎的设计师……一心致力于高级时装的皮尔卡登带着一封通灵者的来信来到巴黎追寻梦想,却爱上了圣多诺霍街。在途中。当他在爱马仕店门前问路时,碰巧遇到了信的主人,帕坎时装屋的设计师,他的奇迹般的生活开始了……因为他参与了电影的服装设计《美女与野兽》中,皮尔卡登的才华很快就显露出来。因为在迪奥学习剪裁和设计,他很快开设了自己的时装屋,并结交了法国巨星夏马雷、意大利著名导演维斯康蒂、帕索里尼等人。流向世界。然而,皮尔卡登却因为坚持“时尚大众化”而被视为异端。 “没有人戴,我们所谓的‘创意’有什么用?”差点激怒了巴黎的设计师,一度将他赶下台。时尚公会……灾难是一个转折点。当整个巴黎都反对他时,皮尔卡登顺势而为。 Couture不仅走下圣台,接近平民,还乘势攻陷日本,乘势而上。中国和苏联等新兴市场。与此同时,他甚至做出了一个被形容为“近乎自杀”的举动。他是第一个授权自己的名字出现在大量产品上的人,但他却取得了令人难以置信的成功,除了为他赚取私人财富之外,可以与国家财富相媲美的巨额财富极其丰富,而且它使世界意识到一切皆有可能。 . .

"Great protagonist, poor filmmaking" is what came to my mind if asked to review this documentary in a nutshell, base particularly on the strong urge in me that accumulated and finally erupted near the last 15 minutes of the film to get up and leave the cinemea out of boredom.

Ironically, the straw that has intrigued me to see the film was its all-100%-fresh ratings on Rotten Tomatoes made by six critics, with whom now I respectfully disagree.

One thing that's absolutely undeniable about the film is it has an amazing protagonist whose wide-ranged talent is such an inspiring delight to see on the big screen, including but not limited to fashion designer (the actual inventor of Ready-to-wear), furniture designer, visionary entrepreneur, tailor, costume maker, theatre actor, and play director. Meanwhile, in the midst of fierce merger and brand acquisition, it is no less than a miracle that Mr. Cardin himself has still remained the owner of Pierre Cardin, as supposed to his giant competitors such as LVMH and Kering.

On the other hand, the film has failed to deliver a consistently interesting story of its main character, finishing with a rather repetitive pacing back to what had been covered prior (furniture design). Even the romances the protagonist had, which usually comes across as the most juicy in docos of celebrities, was portrayed dry and hesitant.

Documentaries can be made indeed enjoyable, in spite of the tight frames of the genre, and I believe a well-thought storyline is the corner stone, same as its counterparts like drama, comedy, thriller etc. If Mr. Cardin were behind the cameras of this film, it'd be more captivating.


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