当前位置 首页 欧美剧 《一级谋杀第二季》






该剧聚焦于旧金山的一桩谋杀之谜,叙事风格与《杀戮》和《大桥》相似——整季都在描述破案的过程。 10 集是这类剧集非常理想的长度。一场吸毒杀人案看似平凡,但随之而来的警方调查、嫌疑人抓捕、法庭审判,却引出了更多的秘密。旧金山警察局凶杀案侦探特里·西格雷夫(泰耶·迪格斯《私人诊所》演员)和希尔迪·穆里根(凯瑟琳·罗伯逊《贝茨酒店》的女演员)找到了受害者和硅谷神童埃里希·布朗特(汤姆·费尔顿《贝茨酒店》) ) 在处理案件的过程中。哈利波特的德拉科马尔福)有一个可疑的联系。布朗特是一个傲慢自信的科技天才,年纪轻轻就取得了非凡的成就,现任一家高科技公司的CEO。这对布朗特来说是个坏消息——因为他正准备让他的公司上市。与此同时,一名软件工程师正在起诉 Blunt 剽窃他为革命性全息系统编写的代码。与特里和希尔迪一起处理此案的专案组成员包括:自称哲学家的警察大卫·莫尔克和警察部队总司令吉姆·科托。特里正在照顾他身患绝症的妻子(Anne-M" Therefore, I have heard the arguments and reviewed the facts of this case, and the responsibility for weighing the aggravating factors against the mitigating factors rests solely with me.
As aggravation, I find that the manner in which you committed these crimes was particularly cruel and heinous.These crimes were committed with multiple deadly weapons and were the result of extensive planning. I also consider as an aggravating factor the emotional damages inflicted on the families of the victims and the community at large as a result of your actions.
As mitigation, I have taken into account the fact that you have no prior criminal record, evidence of some mental-health issues, as well as your childhood history, family background, and your age. I have considered the influence Mr. Rentman had in planning these crimes, as well as your expression of remorse for what you did.
According to the State Penal Code, the aggravating factors in this case meet the guidelines for for the imposition of a sentence of death. After careful examination, it seems clear that the mitigating factors, while not insignificant, are far outweighed by the aggravating factors in this case.
Therefore, it is my judgment that the defendent is sentenced to death. You are ordered committed to the custody of the government until exhaustion of the procedures for appeal."


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