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"we will, we can, we must" “once they leave this environment, they will miss the rules." 看见一个个上场前的cheer和熟悉的56,78,12345678,很怀念的环境,虽然知道是个真人秀可是真的算是很真实的啦啦队气氛和情况了 第一期真的很感叹,经济状况不好的 真的很难 喜欢这个队 喜欢这个运动可是只是个学生 无奈经济状况就是不允许。一些没人spot到flyer就得全体get down pushup。lexi又美又强,看她的jumps和tumbling就是享受,好好的 我们daytona见 “cheerleading is not just a sport, it is a lifestyle,” Cheer是一个机会,一个救了很多年轻孩子的一个机会 第三期真的很戳心 gabi算是很多cheerleader的偶像,stretching必看的视频。年纪虽差不多可是也算是从小看到大,一起长大 从smoed看到navarro。可是人就是不是万能的 因为队内flyer不够就找gabi来抽人数,压力一定很大吧.. morgan.. 愿flyer们都不要受伤 每次掉下来没人接都会消费对base们的信任。而且受伤是会累计的 10年 20年 30年 手臂手腕使劲还是会疼 脚腕每次小小扭到还会感觉到。jerry也很努力 虽然有时候当reserve和努不努力没有关系,ladarius的状态必须恢复起来啊 monica感觉很惋惜他,很想他上mat 第四期一闪而过的lexi妈妈年轻时候带着cheer uniform的照片,太美了 说是大大大美女也不为过.. 难怪女儿那么好看。看到robert和gabi一起拍广告,cheer就是他们的生活了,不能想象没了cheerleader身份的gabi butler。 “I can't imagine what I will do without cheerleading. Instead of a sport, it has become a habit and my life." 第五期开头几乎看哭了,全体一起full u表演。看到我其中喜欢的女生了,ashlee好美!每次她的镜头就是受伤的。另外morgan强了好多好多,一开始没对她多大期待 之后上的basket和pyramid都进步了太多了。不说daytona当天,他们的showoff日太爽了。 “work our ass off only for that day, for that 2 minutes 30 seconds on the mat." Ladarius, we all know, we understand. You got through all that, it was amazing, you're amazing. It was hard on you my man but it was over. Thank god. ladarius好情绪化,可是真的好懂他,可是base和flyer之间的关系真的好重要,you cannot spot and save someone that you hate. There has to be a bond between you, not necessarily the most positive one but certainly not a negative one. 最后一期啦!啊啊啊啊啊 赛场里!那个氛围太好啦!努力那么久,就是要秀这场! "once you're on the mat and the music starts, you'll have no control of yourself, you just go on," 表演完的全体哭泣好形象。不管有没有hit完都会全体哭泣。 "for that mere 2 and a half minutes, all the pain, bruises, tears, blood, sweats, it's all worth it, its worth a lifetime. That, is the moment that you'll remember for a lifetime. That adrenaline rush when you're on the mat." "you spent two years wanting to get out of that place but you'll spend a lifetime wanting to get back there." facts. Nothing but facts. 整体拍得很好,展示了很多cheer的故事,让不止我的很多人想回自己的少年少女时代。 人不会永远年轻可是每个人都年轻过,趁年轻做自己热爱的 哪怕当个热血笨蛋,知道cheer这项运动只能做到一定年龄,受伤累累,对长大后的生活几乎没有好处。cheer就是一项team spirit的运动,握住自己和团队的热血带领着走向前。走出cheer的世界就像丢失了这份热血。 "you see me now and you may not believe me, but I was a cheerleader." and I'm heck proud of being one. "long after one quit cheering, they may not look like a cheerleader anymore but at one time in their life, they were once somebody, somebody at the top." 对里面的cheerleaders包括很多当过cheerleader的人,这是一个很成功的纪录片。when you look back or rewatch this show, you're not in it but your shadows are, you see yourself in one of them. It's the kind of life that you will never go back to ever again but the kind of life that you will definitely miss. 最后一期看哭了 会离开队,队员们曾经一起哭过 伤过 真诚的拥抱祝福过彼此 在营里一起睡,现在大多可能一点都不会kit,像陌生人一般 根本没接触过一样 以后也不会有任何接触,就是内心感叹有过,曾经的队友 感激你们出现过,当cheerleader的这段青春 我有过。 ps:她们的sports bra都好美,被种草了,sports bra就要穿花里胡哨的!


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