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影片以呼伦贝尔大草原的美景为背景,以细腻的笔触和温柔的镜头,描绘了一个草原孩子的天真行为和美好情怀,引出了环保主题。记录了草原人民对草原的无限热爱和呼伦贝尔人与自然和谐相处的美好境界。Though I later found myself spellbound by The Green Pastures, I had a hard time understanding what it was talking about when first viewing it. It is a dense movie for people who are not familiar with the Bible stories; its grammar and dialect make it even more difficult to understand- people in the movie say “you is” and “we is” instead of “you are” and “we are” and “moy-cie” and “ear-th” instead of “mercy” and “earth”. However, once I get over all the difficulties above by watching it with subtitle, I found The Green Pastures a feat for its day.
By “for its day” I mean that viewed from the modern perspective, the movie is primitive and may contain a great amount of stereotypes. If a person judges it by today’s standards, he may inevitably miss the many beautiful and important elements of this movie. The Green Pastures is the purist interpretation of Old Testament stories through the eyes of a young black girl attending her Sunday school class. For a child, the only heaven he can imagine comes from his everyday experience and his hope for the best life he can ever have. At the beginning of the movie, the preacher, Mr. Deshee tells the children that De Lawd is like the Reverend Mr. Dubois, who is the wisest and finest looking man he has ever seen. Assuredly, no one knows what De Lawd looks like and only by relating De Lawd to the appearance of a real man can one foster an image of De Lawd. For the black people from Deep South in those days, the person they would most probably think of is a preacher. When a child asks what the world is like when De Lawd makes it, he simply refers to New Orleans. To those children, New Orleans means the whole world and they can never visualize the world outside where they live. So it is not surprising to see that the Biblical stories presented in the movie are somewhat ridiculous. The heaven has black Sunday school for cherubs. There is also a picnic with fish fries with boiled custard and 10-cent cigars for the adults (maybe they are the best things they long for in their lives). The people wear suits and ties and carry guns. De Lawd runs the heaven in a shabby “private office” assisted by Gabriel. The city of Babylon is like a New Orleans jazz nightclub. Some people may regard these scenes as the inaccurately depictions of the Biblical stories, but what can you expect more from a child? For after all, just like the words showed before the movie –“God appears in many forms to those who believe in Him. Thousands if Negroes in the Deep South visualize God and Heaven in terms of people and things they know in their every day life. The Green Pastures is an attempt to portray that humble, reverent conception”. The aim of this movie is not to accurately portray the Biblical stories but to present the naïve yet quite touchingly conception in the minds of the most common black people from Deep South.
The God in The Green Pastures is the kindest, warmest and busiest God I have ever seen. He is so dignified yet approachable and sometimes looks so venerable. He gives so much attention and thought to make the Earth a better place. The thriving heaven presents a picture of prosperity and sweetness- the relationship between people and especially between adults and children can not be better. Beside the lovely character and sweet scene, the movie leaves numerous memorable scenes that are either humorous or hilarious. The ludicrous costumes such as flapping wings and white gowns are rough and the cotemporary farmer’s clothes and gingham dress are awkward. The many punch lines and comical expression together with the ludicrous costumes ensure that the movie has a laugh in almost every minute. However, this amusing movie also contains many hilarious moments, two of which- thanks to the wonderful Gospel Songs- are really unforgettable. The first is the entrance scene of De Lawd in Green Pastures. He repeatedly asks “Is you been baptized”, “Is you been redeemed” and “Is you bow mighty low” with a remarkable quiet dignity. The amazing choir anwers: “Certainly Lawd, certainly Lawd, certainly certainly certainly Lawd.” The choir are as a legion of angels singing! I believe, at that moment, that is as close as you can get to Heaven when on earth. The second comes when the Israelites heading for the promised land. The Gospel song gives me goosebumps and I begin to wonder that if Israelites are born to be black.
Overall, The Green Pastures is a beautifully made black movie. It bears the acme of the common black people’s hope of that time and presents wonderful Bible stories one after another. If the real world can be simply made by the miracle that De Lawd passes- “Let there be a whole mess of firmament…Let there be mountains and valleys and let there be oceans and lakes…As a matter of fact, let there be the earth, and when that’s done, let there be the sun…In my own image, let there be man!”- how wonderful this world can become (this sentence more or less shows that I am a atheist)! I know that not only I have this kind of hope but also Ian Grant and Lionel Rand who wrote down their hope in their song “let there be love” in 1939- “let there be you. Let there be me. Let there be oysters, under the sea. Let there be wind; an occasional rain; chile con carne; sparkling champagne. Let there be birds, to sing in the trees; someone to bless me, whenever I sneeze. Let there be cuckoos, a lark and a dove, but first of all, please, LET THERE BE LOVE!” Yes, let there be love, a whole mess of love!


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