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AyoungGermanwomanbondswithanelderlyJapanesewomanwhiletouringtheFukushimaregionofJapanintheaftermathofthe2011earthquake.First of all, many thanks to H.. Without you, I am not sure how much longer it gonna take for me to notice this movie. Thank you, darling.Fukushima, I would rather call it as "glitch" over recent years of my life experience - it is not easy to tell I like or hate it; similar to this movie, I end up with weeping tears over the last quarter of it.我们都带着剩下的一部分,寻找遗失的另一部分:有那么几个幸运儿,他们或早或晚地找到了;而大部分人,终其一生都在寻找。即使人人都在寻找,我们也不得不孤独上路。Will any of these become the barrier between us, the radiance, the languages and the masks we are wearing ourselves. How many of you can still recall how you looked like at the beginning?那些闭起眼睛就能轻易找回的过去,在睁开眼睛的瞬间,会更加轻易地支离破碎。既知否认无用,为什么还要坚持否认?一闪而过的街道、人脸,程序定式的问候、交互,所有的秘密就能完好无损地被保存吗?不问,不说,是最后的默契。成人的世界不再是童话,不是所有请求都能被默许也是意料之中。但只要你想,足够想,就可以一直去叩,直到人心上出现第一条裂缝。Stop, and think about whether what we are taking is beyond what we need - the food we have been consuming and the comfort we have been looking for.It takes much more and much longer than what we thought to come over one certain thing, like to understand ourselves, to face the facts. People come and go, each of them mark our lives in their own way. Sometimes, we remember; sometime, we do not.We should be appreciated to surroundings, including the ability of laughing and crying. Can be happy is such a lucky thing, cherish it.能把生活过成“没有敢与不敢,只有想与不想”,应该就算一种成功。Admit and face the fact could be the most tough thing, tougher than living in pain for the rest of life. But can you find a way to stay in peace with your pain?Everyone has our own life, no matter what happens, we will have to live on.更何况,人无千日好,花无百日红。


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