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諾貝爾文學獎得主馬奎斯(GabrielGarcíaMárquez),是拉美魔幻寫實主義文學的代表人物,也是20世紀最有影響力作家之一。《百年孤寂》一書多年來啟發過許多人的心靈。成名後的他,甚至曾試圖促成美國與古巴和解。電影從其童年成長的阿拉卡塔卡出發,... The only option I accept is not to die. I think the only thing that really matters is life. The important thing is to be alive. And I think that death is a trap, it is a betrayal that is released to one without putting a condition. For me it is very serious that this is over, and with virtually no participation of one but when it comes. I think it’s unfair.(And what can we do to prevent it?) Write a lot.

Aracataca: gloom and magic

[Gerald Martin who has conducting the biographic research of Gabriel Garcia Marquez for decades] Living in a nursing home, the grandmother who talked about death about all the time, the grandmother who was an incredibly superstitious woman and for whom ghosts were everywhere.

[Gabriel Garcia Marquez] For me it was a very curious life. The women presided over by my grandmother lived in a supernatural world. A fantastic world where everything was possible, where the most wonderful things were just everyday, but my grandfather was probably the most concrete being I met and his stories were the stories of the civil war, the adventures of politics, and he spoke to me as if I were an adult. Then, I lived divided between those two worlds.

Sucre: darkness

Brothel, Sex

Grandfather’s death

[Juan Gabriel Vasquez] The impact forever confirms his terror of death.

[Gabriel Garcia Marquez] When my grandfather dies, the world was completely over. But the memory of my grandfather who was the guy who made me the fourth to do what I wanted to express myself is the memory of my grandfather. It’s hard to forget a grandfather like that.

Bogota: a gray city, ashen city, with rain

The Magdalena River

[Juan Gabriel Vasquez] The Magdalena River quickly became a metaphor, because the river was the path he took t go from his culture, from his family to remote, cold, remote places…

[Gerald Martin] (Bogota) That life of the first days, surrounded by drizzle, surrounded by cold, surrounded by people who does not know, produce in Garcia Marquez, two revelations that for me are fundamental in the understanding of his literary vocation that are loneliness and nostalgia.


La tercera resignacion

Jorge Eliécer Gaitán’s death

[Juan Gabriel Vasquez] That not only divided the history of Colombia in two, but also divided the literature of Colombia in two, because from there, a whole novelistic phenomenon began to be born, the famous novel of Violence. And this plays directly with Garcia Marquez, because fo him also telling the violence became an obsession. He himself would try to do so with the theory that what matters in the novel of violence is not the dead, but the living who stay sweating cold in the hiding places, waiting to see when death will come to them.


El Universal


[Gerald Martin]Garcia Marquez gets in touch with a group of people, journalists, writers, sculptors, painters, hunters, fishermen.

The Barranquilla group is one of the most important things that happened to Garcia Marquez.It was a group of people who devoured the world though literature, painting. A group of people for whom literature was the most important thing in life, but it was not something to be taken seriously…It’s all that idea of never reading the drafts of what you are writing but telling the story you’re writing, telling it constantly. Tell it to your friends, your wife, your people. For Garcia Marquez, literature was never something that could be understood apart from friendship.

Aracataca: the passage of time

the dusty streets, the destroyed houses…

La Hojarasca (the Colombian review was exaggerated, compared with Proust; too strong a Faulkner influence)


El Espectador

He brought his Caribbean even in his way of being. Gabo throughout his life went changing his colors but he always wanted to be very aesthetically also, different from the people we lived in Bogota.

Writing film reviews at the same time

Relato de un náufrago(how to transform a reality that has already been told a thousand times into something new)


Tachia Quintana

El Espectador was closed

The colonel has no one to write to

[Gabriel Garcia Marquez] He had always thought that this could be a story for a comedy. But when I was in Paris, I took money from the bedside table, went down, ate in the corner, until one day there was not a penny left. I started sending SOS to friends. This was a seventh floor with no elevator. And I went down, I saw that there was no letter. Then I went up and added one more page. Then there was a time when the story, what he was writing corresponded exactly to reality. And that’s why I believe against the judgment of all critics, that the best book I’ve ever written… that if I’ve written a masterpiece, this masterpiece is The colonel has no one to write to .

A hard publishing time

Return to journalism

Travel through Eastern Europe(Soviet socialism)

Latin America

Marrying Mercedes in Barranquilla

The Cuban revolution

[Garcia Marquez] It is a socialism that Cubans are doing to suit their needs and possibilities. With exemplary passion and seriousness, but always dead with laughter, and putting in each of their acts that a spark of hidden madness that is perhaps its oldest and most fruitful virtue.(Cuba De Cabo De Rabo)

Prensa Latina(the new Cuban agency)

[Gerald Martin] when he left Prensa Latina in 61, he had very difficult relations with Cuba. When all Latin American writers, even the more or less liberal almost conservative ones, made the pilgrimage to Cuba, Garcia Marquez was not. The story of a Garcia Marquez who always had close relations with Cuba during the 60’s, that is false.// [Fidel had completely isolated himself from the intellectual, cultural world. Everyone had cut themselves off from the Cuban revolution with few exceptions from the progressive intellectuals of the 1960s. The return of a figure like Garcia Marquez was momentous.]


Screenwriter: advertising and film

Carlos Fuentes

[Gerald Martin] Suddenly comes what he has been waiting for all the time. This bourgeois[as a screenwriter] Garcia Marquez, alienated but apparently happy, makes a trip to Acapulco. With his family driving his white Opel. Suddenly he sees the novel he has been trying to write for over 20 years…He talks to Mercedes:”Look, I’m fed up with everything, I can’t do what we’re doing anymore. You know what my ambitions are, I know it’s a huge risk, but I want to write, throw myself. What do you tell me?”

One hundred years of solitude

Barcelona: a rich writer

Mario Vargas Llosa

Growing political tension among Latin American intellectuals over the case of Cuba

The arrest of Hebert Padilla, Anti-Cuban, anti-fidelist movement, Gobo refuses to sign

[Juan Gabriel Vasquez] The paradox is that his enormous fame makes him leave literature for a while.

The Autumn of Patriarch

[Garcia Marquez] To me this seems an exemplary point of how stupid the critics are. The book doesn’t like it, the book stays halfway, it’s a frustrated book. It is a book written entirely with encrypted personal experience. If anyone is curious to read it with another key, that is, in stead of thinking of a dictator, thinking of a famous writer, the book is probably much more understandable.

Columbia(a deeply right-wing country), Cuba

Augusto Jose Ramon Pinochet Ugarte’s coup against Allende

Barbaric repression against guerrilla attempts

Gabo’s famous break with literature, radical

Alternative, M-19

[Gerald Martin] They are looking for the lost dream of the Latin American revolution.

[Jon Lee Anderson] One of the most argued things in his life is his relationship with Fidel.

[Garcia Marquez] For me, the fundamental thing about Cuba is its resistance and its permanent and iron defense of sovereignty in the face of a blockade that is thirty years old.


[Garcia Maequez] In my life I have fired another weapon other than the typewriter, but I really could not tolerate the Colombian government, that some sectors of the Columbian government.

Chronicle of an Announced Death

[Juan Gabriel Vasquez] His books were stories he had been thinking about for 20-30 years. He never wrote a book less than 20 years, after he first thought about it, but something unconscious told him the right time to sit down and write that book.

Love in times of anger

[Garcia Maequez] The whole geography of the novel is authentic. I wrote it here in Cartagena. I worked all morning, in the afternoon I would walk around the candy portal to hear phrases, to hear words…And it ended up in my parents’ house. Every afternoon asking them about those loves, first to him and other times to my mother. Separated because together it was very difficult to get the real information. Of all the information they gave me, the one that is less metaphorized, less poetically transposed, is that of their loves, because I wanted it to be exactly literal. Everything, exactly the way they met, the way they separated, the journey she made, the way he communicated with her… enclosing all the telegraph offices in the Magdalena region, from the Valledupar region.

[Juan Gabriel Vasquez]It is as if love in time of anger were the opposite of a hundred years of loneliness. One Hundred Years of Solitude is a novel in which all the forces of love, sex, passion, do not reach to avoid the ultimate destruction of the world. In Love in the Times of Anger, love achieves what it sets out to do. Love is the ultimate redemption, it is what saves us.

Pablo Escobar

Guillermo Cano, director de “El Espectador”

“De Mis Memorias: Guillermo Cano”

Noticia de un secuestro

Return to journalism: Creating the New Journalism Foundation in the mid-1990s.

QAP(television newcast)

Gabo y Clinton

Chronicle of an Announced Death

Man against his destiny

[Jon Lee Anderson] In recent years, there was a time when I realized that Gabo had lapses of memory. What was left of the original Gabo was his tenderness. He was still an affectionate, tactile, kind man.

[Garcia Marquez] The only option I accept is not to die. I think the only thing that really matters is life. The important thing is to be alive. And I think that death is a trap, it is a betrayal that is released to one without putting a condition. For me it is very serious that this is over, and with virtually no participation of one but when it comes. I think it’s unfair.(And what can we do to prevent it?) Write a lot.

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