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这部纪录片讲述了弗兰·莱博维茨的生活经历和思想。弗兰是一位以尖刻的社会评论而闻名的美国作家,早在 2007 年 9 月,她就入选了《名利场》的国际最佳着装名人名单。http://www.slantmagazine.com/film/review/public-speaking/5292Take away a man’s actual sense of manhood — which is conventionally based on the ability to work, to earn money, to be self-sufficient, to provide for children — and you’ve got to give them something else. And they did.This hideous religion that’s all over the country — these huge church-malls — that’s what substitutes for these lost towns. But that’s not a town. That’s a cult. A town is diverse, in a real way, not in this fake way we have now. A community is a butcher and a doctor, a minister, a town troublemaker. A “community” is not a bunch of people united by some grievance. That’s just self-righteousness — incredibly dangerous and antidemocratic. People have become so rigid; their opinions seem to them like themselves. When that happens (and it has happened) people can’t change their minds. If you are identified by your opinions — if that is the very basis of yourself — how can you change your mind?http://www.quotesstar.com/people/occupations/journalists/fran-lebowitz-quotes.html


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