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这天,小熊维尼(吉姆·库宁斯JimCummings配音)从睡梦中醒来,发现自己的蜂蜜已经喝光了。于是他走进百亩森林去寻找蜂蜜,路上竟遇到了悲伤的驴子屹耳(巴德·乐凯BudLuckey配音),原来屹耳把自己的尾巴弄丢了。维尼随即找来了跳跳虎、兔子瑞比、猫头鹰、袋鼠妈妈和小豆来帮忙,罗宾提议进行一场比赛,谁先帮屹耳找到了尾巴的代替品,谁将赢得一罐新鲜的蜂蜜。大家便各自使出十八般武艺找来了各种尾巴,然而却没有一条能使屹耳高兴起来。第二天,维尼去找罗宾帮忙,发现门口挂着一张纸条写着“出去一会,马上回来”,识字有限的大伙儿以为罗宾被绑架了,惊恐地组织起营救罗宾的行动,然而此时的维尼,已经快要忍受不了阵阵袭来的饥饿感了……Author: superperson1 from United States I don't mean to generalize, but if you really want to get some sense of the difference between Russian and American animation (with many many exceptions, obviously), just compare this phenomenal Vinni Pukh with the wretched Disney Winnie the Pooh. The Disney one is sentimental, pandering, unsophisticated, and dumb. Winnie himself lethargically stumbles along like a middle-aged man with a developmental disability. Vinni, however, is vigorous, adventurous, and witty. He's sly and he has attitude. He is no longer a disposable "silly old bear," he is a worthy protagonist. Pyatachok is not a pathetic, feathery-voiced ball of pink. He is vibrant and fun, and their friendship, so beautifully rendered by Milne and made sappy and idiotic by Disney, is here authentic and moving once again. Soviet animation at its best.

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